Fake news worries 'are growing' suggests BBC poll – BBC News

Fake news worries 'are growing' suggests BBC poll – BBC News

Fake news worries 'are growing' suggests BBC poll - BBC News

Fake news worries ‘are growing’ suggests BBC poll – BBC News

There is growing concern among global net users about fake news online, according to a BBC World Service poll.It also indicates mounting opposition to governments stepping in with regulation.In the survey of 18 countries, 79% of respondents said they worried about what was fake and what was real on the internet.But in only two countries, China and the UK, did a majority want their governments to regulate the internet.The BBC carried out a similar survey in 2010.Only 15 countries were covered by both polls. From this subset of respondents, 58% said the internet should never be regulated in the latest survey, up from 51% when the same question was asked seven years ago.When it came to regulation, 67% of Chinese respondents now liked the idea, while opinion was more finely balanced in the UK, with 53% in favour.

Källa: Fake news worries ‘are growing’ suggests BBC poll – BBC News

Facebook can't hide behind algorithms – BBC News

Facebook can't hide behind algorithms – BBC News

Facebook can't hide behind algorithms - BBC News

Facebook can’t hide behind algorithms – BBC News

If Facebook’s algorithms were executives, the public would be demanding their heads on a stick, such was the ugly incompetence on display this week.First, the company admitted a “fail” when its advertising algorithm allowed for the targeting of anti-Semitic users.Then on Thursday, Mark Zuckerberg said he was handing over details of more than 3,000 advertisements bought by groups with links to the Kremlin, a move made possible by the advertising algorithms that have made Mr Zuckerberg a multi-billionaire.Gross misconduct, you might say – but of course you can’t sack the algorithm. And besides, it was only doing what it was told.

Källa: Facebook can’t hide behind algorithms – BBC News

Fake news worries 'are growing' suggests BBC poll – BBC News

Facebook can’t hide behind algorithms – BBC News

Facebook can't hide behind algorithms - BBC News

Facebook can’t hide behind algorithms – BBC News

If Facebook’s algorithms were executives, the public would be demanding their heads on a stick, such was the ugly incompetence on display this week.First, the company admitted a “fail” when its advertising algorithm allowed for the targeting of anti-Semitic users.Then on Thursday, Mark Zuckerberg said he was handing over details of more than 3,000 advertisements bought by groups with links to the Kremlin, a move made possible by the advertising algorithms that have made Mr Zuckerberg a multi-billionaire.Gross misconduct, you might say – but of course you can’t sack the algorithm. And besides, it was only doing what it was told.

Källa: Facebook can’t hide behind algorithms – BBC News

Com Truise – Propagation

Com Truise – Propagation

Com Truise - Propagation

Com Truise – Propagation


“A techno-dystopian vignette that could be a miniature episode of Black Mirror.”

Directed By: Will Joines & Karrie Crouse
Written By: Karrie Crouse & Will Joines
Starring: Trieste Kelly Dunn
With: Stephen O’Reilly
Cinematographer: Zoë White
Producer: Jonathan Figueroa
Colorist: Josh Bohoskey / The Mill NY


Taken from ‘Iteration’ LP by Com Truise, out June 16, 2017, Ghostly International


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Så samlar du Startdust i Pokémon GO

Så samlar du Startdust i Pokémon GO

Så samlar du Startdust i Pokémon GO

Så samlar du Startdust i Pokémon GO

På fredagskvällen startade ett nytt event i Pokémon GO och under en vecka framåt så kan du samla Startdust. Du får dubbelt upp nämligen. Så här samlar du Stardust i Pokémon Go.

Startdust behövs för att utveckla dina Pokémons och ju högre upp i nivåerna du kommer och ju högre du vill utveckla dina Pokémons, desto mer Startdust gör du av med. En enda nivå (evolve) kan kosta så mycket som 8000 Stardust.

Fånga Pokémons

Varje Pokémon som du fångar ger 100 Stardust, dubbelt under eventet

Kläck ägg

Gå och kläck ägg. Du får olika mycket Startdust beroende på om det är ett 2, 5 eller 10 kilometers ägg.

Försvara Gym

Du får också Startdust för att försvara ett gym så det lönar sig att placera ut Pokémons i gym.

Missa inte heller den sjunde fångsten i rad. Den ger som bekant extra poäng och under eventet så ger den även extra Stardust.