Apple reaches agreement w/ Warner Music for new, cheaper Apple Music deal | 9to5Mac

av | sep 9, 2017 | Lästips

Apple reaches agreement w/ Warner Music for new, cheaper Apple Music deal | 9to5Mac

Apple reaches agreement w/ Warner Music for new, cheaper Apple Music deal | 9to5Mac

Bloomberg reports this evening that Apple has secured a new deal with Warner Music Group for Apple Music. The deal is Apple’s first since introducing Apple Music two years ago, while the company hopes it will set precedent for future negotiations with other labels.Spigen TEKA RA200 Airpods Earhooks CoverToday’s report explains that Warner will provide Apple with a catalog including recent stars like Ed Sheeran and Bruno Mars, as well as older artists such as the Red Hot Chili Peppers, for both the iTunes Store and Apple Music. The deal will see Apple pay Warner a smaller percentage of sales from Apple Music subscribers than its original deal did.Apple could face backlash from artists for paying less per stream under this new deal, especially if the same cut extends to deals with other record companies.

Källa: Apple reaches agreement w/ Warner Music for new, cheaper Apple Music deal | 9to5Mac

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