Augmented reality: Apple and Google’s next battleground | Technology | The Guardian

av | sep 17, 2017 | Lästips

Augmented reality: Apple and Google's next battleground | Technology | The Guardian

Augmented reality: Apple and Google’s next battleground | Technology | The Guardian

This year the next big battleground between the titans of the smartphone industry will be augmented reality, as both Apple and Google duke it out with new phones, cameras and systems designed to provide Terminator vision – or Pokémon Go on steroids – to the masses.Augmented reality (AR) is nothing new. Many people’s first experience of the concept was seeing through the eyes of Arnold Schwarzenegger’s T-800 Terminator in James Cameron’s 1984 blockbuster. The movie showed the Terminator’s vision overlaid with information about subjects, objects and objectives.But after failed attempts at making that concept a reality for the mass market, with Google Glass and others, AR was thrown back into the spotlight in July 2016 with the launch of Pokémon Go, whoch overlaid the mini-beasts bobbing about in the real world for players to catch.

Källa: Augmented reality: Apple and Google’s next battleground | Technology | The Guardian

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Mikael Winterkvist

Fyrabarns-far, farfar, morfar och egen företagare i Skellefteå med kliande fingrar. Jag skriver om fotografering, sport, dataprylar, politik, nöje, musik och film. Vid sidan av den här bloggen så jobbar jag med med det egna företaget Familjen består av hustru, fyra barn (utflugna) och fem barnbarn.

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