Apple may give the iPhone SE a speed boost early next year | 9to5Mac

av | aug 5, 2017 | Lästips

Apple may give the iPhone SE a speed boost early next year | 9to5Mac

Apple may give the iPhone SE a speed boost early next year | 9to5Mac

Apple may be planning to launch an updated version of the iPhone SE with a faster chip early next year, according to at least one rumor. Apple upgraded the storage options for the current iPhone SE earlier this year, but the processor and other specs remained the same.Sony A6500If the current rumor comes to fruition, the iPhone SE would see a speed boost by switching from the A9 chip used in the iPhone 6s from late 2015 to the A10 chip used in the iPhone 7 from late 2016.Aside from the chip upgrade, it’s not totally clear if anything else will change about the smaller iPhone model.

Källa: Apple may give the iPhone SE a speed boost early next year | 9to5Mac

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