A Lawsuit Attacks the Marketing of the Presidency | The New Yorker

av | jun 25, 2017 | Lästips

A Lawsuit Attacks the Marketing of the Presidency | The New Yorker

A Lawsuit Attacks the Marketing of the Presidency | The New Yorker

On the same day that President Trump gathered his Cabinet secretaries around him for a televised display of acclamation and declared, contrary to the evidence of his legislative record, “Never has there been a President, with few exceptions, who’s passed more legislation, who’s done more things than what we’ve done,” two state attorneys general filed a lawsuit in federal court suggesting that Trump’s most significant achievement as President has been “unprecedented constitutional violations.”The attorneys general of Maryland and the District of Columbia argued that Trump’s decision to retain ownership of his globe-spanning businesses makes it impossible to distinguish whether the President is making decisions based on his own financial interests or the interests of the American people, a state of affairs that “inflicts lasting harm on our democracy.” President Trump has defended his continuing business interests by saying that, as President, he is exempt from federal ethics laws that apply to other government employees, and that, in any case, he would place his businesses in a trust while his sons run the family company.

Källa: A Lawsuit Attacks the Marketing of the Presidency | The New Yorker

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Mikael Winterkvist

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