Ex-Admin Deletes All Customer Data and Wipes Servers of Dutch Hosting Provider

av | jun 11, 2017 | Lästips

Ex-Admin Deletes All Customer Data and Wipes Servers of Dutch Hosting Provider

Ex-Admin Deletes All Customer Data and Wipes Servers of Dutch Hosting Provider

Verelox, a provider of dedicated KVM and VPS servers based in The Hague, Netherlands, suffered a catastrophic outage after a former administrator deleted all customer data and wiped most of the company’s servers.Details of what exactly happened aren’t available, but according to posts on various web hosting forums [1, 2, 3], the incident appears to have taken place yesterday, when users couldn’t access their servers or the company’s website.Verelox’s homepage came back online earlier today, but the website was plastered with a grim message informing users of the ex-admin’s actions.Following the incident, the hosting provider decided to take the rest of its network offline and focus on recovering customer data.Verelox estimates it will be back online this week. The company promises compensation for users who still want to remain their customers after this unfortunate event.

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