You may recall that RFK Jr.’s nonsense-peddling anti-vax organization “Children’s Health Defense” (CHD) sued Meta back in 2020 for the apparent crime of fact-checking and limiting the reach of the anti-vax nonsense it posted. Three years ago, the case was tossed out of court (easily) with the court pointing out that Meta is (*gasp*) a private entity that has the right to do all of this under its own free speech rights. The court needed to explain that the First Amendment applies to the government, and Meta is not the government.
Yes, Meta looked to the CDC for guidance on vaccine info, but that did not turn it into a state actor. It was a pretty clear and easy ruling smacking down CHD (represented, in part, by disgraced Yale law professorJed Rubenfeld). So, of course RFK Jr. and CHD appealed.
Här är det Magasin Macken bjuder på idag lördag den 5 oktober i nådens år 2024
... och mycket mer hela dagen, eftermiddagen och en bit in på sena kvällen!
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