At first glance, Tony Blair is an unlikely evangelist for the wondrous possibilities of artificial intelligence. As prime minister of Great Britain from 1997 to 2007, he never carried a mobile phone. He didn’t get an official email address until 2003, and even wrote his 2010 memoir, A Journey, in longhand. But now this ex-politician finds himself one of the most prominent advocates for artificial intelligence outside Silicon Valley. He believes that AI will create as big a shift in our lives as the Industrial Revolution did, and that governments have been too slow to recognize the technology’s potential. It is a fitting coda to a career characterized by trying to win over skeptical audiences.
Skärmsläckare: FlipClock – klassisk klocka där siffrorna ramlar ned
FlipClock är en gammaldags klocka där siffrorna faller ned - flippar ned. FlipClock screen saver is optimized to use low energy...
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