Vienna är en RSS-läsare, gratis, som du kan använda för att samla in RSS-flöden och ha dem snyggt och prydligt sorterade i din Mac.
Observera att Vienna inte har någon synkroniseringsfunktion så programmet lämpas sig för dig inte har behov att ha med dig dina RSS-nyheter i din iPhone, iPad eller en annan Mac-dator.
Vienna is a freeware and Open-Source RSS/Atom newsreader with article storage and management via a SQLite database, written in Objective-C and Cocoa, for the OS X operating system. It provides features comparable to commercial newsreaders, but both it and the source code are free and available for download.
- Subscribe to Atom/RSS news feeds and podcasts
- Simple and intuitive user interface with customisable toolbar
- Built-in tabbed browser
- Global search of all retrieved articles
- Automatic detection of newsfeeds on Web pages
- Smart folders for organising related feed articles
- Custom article display styles
- Three separate reading layouts
- Blogging integration
- Support for downloading enclosures in articles
- Filter the displayed articles
- Manual reordering of the subscription list
- Full AppleScript support
- Localised into several languages
What’s new in version 3.9.2
- Change mechanism preventing Vienna from unexpectedly switching to alphabetical sorting of folders and feeds. This phenomenon might still occur but should be much more unlikely
- Perform a sanity check of database at launch
- Do not show warning sign on feeds without articles
- Fix crash when server sends unusual MIMEType
- Fix various issues in General Preferences window
- Fix autolayout issues which could unexpectedly resize the article view or the main window, or hide the enclosure view
- Fix style change to give immediate visual feedback
- Improve parsing of RSS content:encoded element
- For Unified layout, move the tip about the hovered link’s URL at the bottom of the view
- Use String Catalogs (.xcstrings) for most translations
- Add more translations
- Update some documentation files
Magasin Macken rekommenderar: Macken fluktar in: News Explorer – en tuff utmanare till Reeder om du är ute efter en RSS-läsare med synkronisering, för macOS, iOs och iPadOS.
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